Academic Scientific Research Computer Network of Armenia
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Creation of High-Performance Computation Cluster and Databases in Armenia (ARMCLUSTER)

ISTC Project A-823 (2003 - 2006)

The purpose of the Project is creation of a distributed information-processing network in Armenia, in order to provide the scientists and engineers in the South Caucasus region with high-performance information sources and extensive databases. The importance of such a regional center is dictated by the following factors: (a) large number of the international scientific programs, such as the ISTC seismologic and environmental monitoring projects, require powerful computer means; and (b) researches and technological developments exist in the region for which fast data processing and visualization represent an integral part of investigations.

Specifically, the Project has the following objectives:

- Creation of cluster environment of high-performance computations and provision of efficient resources for access by scientific and engineering community in Armenia and other states in the region.

- Development of the intellectual software packages designed to back up the scientific researches

- Creation of a basal software medium and methodology for development of a real-time Automatic Control System of Emergency Situations, which would incorporate all disaster-prediction and telecommunication systems and provide comprehensive information for decision making.

The Project will be carried out in the following directions:

- Analysis of current approaches to creation of infrastructure, development of software and interactive medium

- Investigation of the subject area for research computations, development of mathematically consistent algorithms and methods for scientific tasks. Creation of a pilot applied software package and its testing by the computation cluster.

The Project refers to a category of research, development and demonstration of technology.

The expected results of the Project will include:

- An infrastructure for high performance computations, providing access to high-efficiency resources for scientific and high technology organizations in Armenia and regional centers, based on a cluster of computers and academic research network, and providing access to other supercomputer centers. The total software package of the cluster will include efficient means of task planning and confidential information exchange by users.

- A system of intellectual software packages to support the advance in the field of modeling and analysis of quantum systems, signal and image processing, theory of radiation transfer, calculation of time constants for biomolecular chemical reactions. A system of mathematically proved methods, fast algorithms and programs for solving of certain classes of problems in linear algebra, calculus, algebraic reconditibility, test-checkable design of the built-in control circuits in the machine cluster environment

- Software environment for design and real-time verification of the Global Automatic Control Systems is

based on primitives, where design and verification processes are integrated. The proposed methods will

be tested on a specific ACS. Separate components (such as access-classification system design means

for distributed users) may be used independently.

Implementation of the proposed Project, in our view, would provide the following:

- Alternative work of the specialists from the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, Yerevan Automatic Control Systems Institute, Institute of Mathematics, Institute for Physical Research, Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Institute of Geology, National Center of Seismic Protection, Scientific Information Center, and Javakhishvili State University in Georgia, earlier engaged in defense R&D activity.

- Establishment of cooperation between those organizations earlier financed by the military-industrial complex (but practically non-interacting), which gives an opportunity for their personnel to interact in civil researches for market economy

- Solve the task not only significant for science and technology in general, but particularly important for Armenia and other countries in the region

At the same time, realization of the Project will play a significant role in development of an information infrastructure in Armenia and will serve an extra surge to its movement towards an information society.

Scientific and practical results obtained under the Project will be transferred, in a usable format, as recommendations to the government organizations and companies responsible for prediction and rescue work during natural disasters.

The Project would establish a basis for further activities directed to reduction of seismic risk in the region, as well as close collaboration of scientists and policy-makers in this field.

The Project will allow the weapon scientists and engineers to redirect their knowledge and skills to peaceful activities. Additionally, it will support the research and technology development in the field of seismic hazard and risk assessment and seismic risk reduction, environmental and population protection.

Foreign collaborators have actively joined the Project and will interact with its participants in the following areas:

- appear on the technical advisory committee sessions for each area of the Project, contributing and guiding the Project implementation, as well as participate in regular meetings;

- exchange information during the Project implementation;

- provide peer review of the Project results;

- participate in the semi-annual Project review meetings;

- give comments on the Technical Progress Reports submitted to the ISTC;

- organize joint symposiums and seminars;

- provide assistance through leveraging funds from the related projects funded by other agencies;

- accept the Project participants at western universities and laboratories;

- disseminate the valuable results of the Project and identify other sources of support.